Video: NXP's BlueBox 3.0 Automotive High Performance Compute Development Platform

The NXP BlueBox 3.0 is a development platform that provides the required performance, functional safety, and automotive reliability for engineers to develop safe automotive high-performance compute solutions for ADAS and zonal control architectures.

“The NXP BlueBox 3.0 Automotive High-Performance Compute (AHPC) development platform combined with dSPACE's products, enables the perfect integrated HIL simulation framework for developing, validating, and exploring solutions for ADAS, autonomous driving, and emerging vehicle network architectures.
​​​​​​​The dSPACE simulator and ESI Unit combined with RTMaps allows NXP customers and partners to develop and validate their multisensor solutions for ADAS and autonomous driving in the lab prior to in-vehicle use, and further allows them to take the captured data from the in-vehicle scenarios back into the lab to fine-tune their solutions,”
says Ali Osman Örs, Director of AI Strategy at NXP.

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