Tools and methods for bypassing, function development, and white-box testing of ECU applications ECU Interfacing Overview




Production Code Generation Software
Implementation Software
Experiment and Visualization Software

Implementation Software ConfigurationDesk

dSPACE 실시간 하드웨어를 위한 구성 및 구현 소프트웨어

ConfigurationDesk는 행동 모델 및 I/O 기능 코드의 구현을 포함하여 SCALEXIO 또는 MicroAutoBox III와 같은 dSPACE 실시간 하드웨어를 기반으로 하는 소규모 RCP(Rapid Control Prototyping) 개발부터 대규모 HIL(Hardware-in-the-loop) 테스트에 이르기까지의 애플리케이션을 처리하는 데 이상적이고 직관적인 그래픽 구성 및 구현 도구입니다.

ConfigurationDesk는 외부 장치(예: ECU), 구성된 실시간 하드웨어 및 연결된 행동 모델에 대해 명확히 구조화된 개요를 제공합니다

  • 그래픽 및 광범위한 자동화 API를 사용하여 실시간 애플리케이션 구성
  • 외부 장치와 행동 모델 인터페이스 간의 신호 경로 관리
  • 행동 모델 코드 및 I/O 기능 코드 자동 구현


Experiment and Visualization Software ControlDesk

전자 제어 유닛(ECU) 개발을 위한 범용 모듈형 실험 및 계측 소프트웨어

ControlDesk는 원활한 ECU 개발을 위한 dSPACE 실험 소프트웨어입니다. 필요한 모든 작업을 수행하고 실험의 시작부터 끝까지 단일 작업 환경을 제공합니다.

  • 통합된 ECU 보정, 측정 및 진단 액세스
    (CCP, XCP, ODX)
  • ECU, RCP 및 HIL 플랫폼 및 버스 시스템 전반에 걸쳐 동기화된 데이터 캡처
  • 강력한 레이아웃, 계측, 측정 및 후처리(ASAM MDF)
  • 전체 dSPACE 가상 검증 도구 체인 지원


Production Code Generation Software TargetLink

가장 높은 수요를 위한 생산 코드 생성

생산 코드 생성기인 TargetLink는 MathWorks ® Simulink ® /Stateflow ® 에서 곧바로 매우 효율적인 C코드를 생성하며 내장 시뮬레이션 및 테스트를 통해 빠르게 확인을 할 수 있게 해줍니다. 효율적인 모듈식 개발을 지원하고 ISO 26262, ISO 25119 및 IEC 61508 인증을 받았으며 고성능의 Classic 및 Adaptive AUTOSAR 지원을 제공합니다.

  • MathWorks ® Simulink ® /Stateflow ® 에서 직접 고품질 생산 코드 생성
  • 강력한 소프트웨어 디자인 및 테스트 기능
  • 고성능 Classic 및 Adaptive AUTOSAR 지원


Experiment and Visualization Software Variable Editor

Working with ECU description files

The Variable Editor provides a project management framework with the necessary functions for managing a number of variable descriptions. These functions include modifying, editing, importing and exporting variable descriptions.    

  • Create and edit ECU description files (A2L files)
  • Update address information of ECU variables from map files
  • Automate address update and A2L file generation via a command line


ECU Interface Software dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool

ECU flash programming via measurement and calibration interfaces

The dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool lets you program the flash memory of ECUs that are equipped with a DCI‑GSI2, ECUs with XCP on CAN, or ECUs with XCP on Ethernet.   

  • Fast ECU flash programming during development
  • Stand-alone tool or integrated in ControlDesk®
  • Safety mechanisms against operating and programming errors


ECU Interface Software dSPACE XCP Service

Measurement, calibration, bypassing, and ECU flash programming via XCP

The dSPACE XCP Service is designed for various use cases during ECU development, such as measuring ECU variables and calibration, and also for ECU flash programming in connection with CAN. The dSPACE XCP Service supports transport layers for CAN, USB, and Ethernet (UDP/IP and TCP/IP).  

  • Support of transport layers for CAN/CAN FD and Ethernet
  • Calibration, measurement and bypassing in parallel
  • Safety and data consistency mechanisms for bypassing


ECU Interface Software dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service

Measurement, calibration, bypassing, and ECU flash programming

The dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service lets you run measurement, calibration, bypassing, and ECU flash programming tasks. The service implementation on the ECU can be tailored with regard to functionality and resource consumption.  

  • Measurement, calibration, ECU flash programming via DCI-GSIs
  • Function bypassing via DCI-GSIs and DPMEM PODs
  • Security and data consistency mechanisms for bypassing


ECU Interface Software dSPACE Internal Bypassing Service

Using an existing ECU for function development

The dSPACE Internal Bypassing Service supports service-based bypassing directly on the target ECU. The service can be integrated into the ECU software either by inserting it into the source code manually or by using the ECU Interface Manager.

  • ECU service for internal bypassing and on-target prototyping
  • Compatible with Internal Bypass Plug-In for RTI Bypass Blockset  
  • Only tiny footprint in the ECU RAM and flash 


ECU Interface Software ECU Interface Base Package

External and on-target bypassing

The ECU Interface Base Package provides real-time access to production ECUs during RCP, HIL, and field test.

  • Provides real-time access to production ECUs during RCP, HIL, and field test 
  • Allows efficient function bypassing directly on existing ECUs or together with separate RCP hardware
  • Allows to prepare ECU interfacing on the basis of source code or binary code with the optional Binary Code Management module


ECU Interface Software ECU Interface Manager

Preparation of functions of existing ECU code for ECU interfacing

The ECU Interface Manager, which is part of the ECU Interface Base Package, allows you to configure the access to your ECU. It also provides you with the ability to apply modifications required for ECU Interfacing to the ECU application’s HEX file with the optional Binary Code Management module. The ECU Interface Manager offers an easy-to-understand, list-based view and, for more complex preparation tasks, also a comprehensive structural visualization of the ECU application (e.g., function calls, variable accesses, conditional areas).



ECU Interface Hardware DCI-KLine1 USB-to-K-Line Interface

Robust and compact USB-to-K-Line interface

The DCI-KLine1 (dSPACE calibration interface-KLine1), makes it possible to connect an ECU with implemented diagnostic protocol based on K-Line to your ControlDesk PC for ECU diagnostics and ECU flash programming purposes. The DCI-KLine1 forwards the messages and data from and to the host PC.  

  • Robust design for in-vehicle use
  • Integrated optoisolation
  • Supports 12 V and 24 V power supply networks in the vehicle


ECU Interface Hardware USB to CAN/CAN FD Converter DCI-CAN2

Connection of a CAN/CAN FD Network to the Host PC

The DCI-CAN2 (dSPACE Calibration Interface – CAN2) is an interface, that makes it possible to establish a USB-based connection from your host PC to the CAN/CAN FD data streams in the vehicle.

  • Connects a CAN or CAN FD network to the host PC
  • Robust design for in-vehicle use
  • API for easy integration in custom applications


ECU Interface Hardware Generic Serial Interface DCI-GSI2

Function bypassing, measurement, ECU calibration and flash programming

The generic serial interface DCI-GSI2 can be used for function bypassing, measurement, ECU calibration, and flash programming. The broad range of available connector adapters lets you connect the DCI-GSI2 to individual electronic control units. 

  • Very low communication latencies for bypassing and high data throughput for measurement
  • Support of standardized XCP on Ethernet interface
  • Connection to a wide range of ECU types through target-specific connector adapters


ECU Interface Hardware DCI-CAN/LIN1

Robust and compact USB to LIN/CAN/CAN FD gateway

With the DCI-CAN/LIN1 converter you can connect a host PC via USB to CAN/CAN FD and LIN networks.

  • Connects up to 2 CAN/CAN FD and 2 LIN networks 
  • Compact, host powered USB device
  • API for easy integration in custom applications    


ECU Interface Hardware Additional ECU Interface Solutions

Customer-specific DPMEM PODs and on-chip debugging interfaces

Solutions for intrusive, real-time access to the ECU software support use cases in rapid control prototyping, bypassing, white-box testing, and synchronous measurement and calibration applications.

  • Dedicated interfaces tailored to customer-specific use cases
  • Solutions for a wide range of CPUs already available
  • Reliable systems proven in several thousand installations worldwide
