Webinar Recording: Challenge Accepted: Validating Autonomous Driving Functions

March 29, 2017

The race towards the first autonomous car has begun. This webinar recording shows the introduction to our webinar series that addresses the validation of autonomous driving functions. It gives an overview of the different challenges and dSPACE's answers as well as an introduction to the following webinars.

Instructors: Karsten Krügel, Senior Product Manager Virtual Validation, Sven Walther, Product Engineer Virtual Validation.

Target Group: Everyone interested in the validation of autonomous driving functions.

This webinar introduces the dSPACE webinar series about autonomous driving. It provides an overview of both the key challenges of autonomous driving functions and dSPACE's answers to these challenges. It also serves as a starting point for the other webinars of the series. During the series, every webinar discusses in-depth topics such as:

  • the definition of driving scenarios based on custom and real world data using automotive simulation models (ASM),
  • software-in-the-loop simulation of large numbers of test cases on PCs and clusters,
  • high-fidelity sensor models and sensor simulation,
  • run-time test monitoring, evaluation, and tagging,
  • model, workflow, and test management.

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Abonnieren Sie unser Expertenwissen. Lernen Sie von erfolgreichen Projektbeispielen. Bleiben Sie auf dem neuesten Stand der Simulation und Validierung. Jetzt dSPACE direct und dSPACE direct aeropace & defense abonnieren.

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