What is Data Annotation and Why is it Needed?

  • Automobiltechnik
  • Intelligente Fahrerassistenzsysteme
  • Autonomes Fahren
  • Datenannotation



How well are your AI algorithms performing? Data annotation plays a key role in training algorithms, as well as determining how well they perform. AI algorithms have to be taught how to detect other vehicles, pedestrians, road signs, objects, lanes, etc., and they have to be validated through benchmarking of a data subset.

In this podcast, Philip Kessler, Managing Director of understand.ai (a dSPACE company), will provide an overview on what data annotation is, why it is needed, how to get the right data for your algorithms, and how to automate the process.


Philip Kessler

Philip Kessler

Co-Founder and CTO understand.ai

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